2025 Forces on the Fairways Golf tournament Registration Is Open
WHEN: September 15, 2025 WHERE: Bogey Hills Country Club PROGRAM: 10:30 A.M. Lunch and Registration inside banquet hall, 12:30 P.M. 4 Player Scramble, Shotgun Start, 5:30 P.M. appetizer buffet, live music and Auction on the patio
Fill out the registration form by clicking the tournament registration link below. If you are registering for multiple players and already know who is joining you, please provide their names in the space provided. If you do not know yet who is joining you, please email that information when you get it to [email protected].
If you are unable to participate in the 2025 golf tournament, please consider supporting the foundation through a sponsorship, general donation (links below) or attending the dinner and silent auction. Dinner only tickets may be purchased at the tournament registration link above.
Please help us help Veterans through participating in, or sponsoring our annual Forces on the Fairways Golf Tournament, or making a donation to The Palozola Foundation.
Make Checks Payable To: The Palozola Foundation P.O. Box 31071 Des Peres, MO 63131
Pay by credit/debit card by clicking the yellow donate button below